Cycling Just Got More Comfable with these Luxury Cycle Gear Upgrades

You know the saying, “Once you learn how to ride a bike, you’ll never forget,” and it’s very true. However, what life fails to teach you at a young age is that you will have to learn how to bike differently as you get older. Sure, you still have the basic skills down pat, but the positioning can be fairly uncomfortable for your newfound body.

Aging is wonderful, isn’t it? The good news is that you’re on the right path because cycling is an excellent form of exercise, and it’ll certainly help those joints out. What’s even better is that there are several different cycle gear upgrades you can opt for to enhance the comfort you experience when cycling.

So here’s to not letting age catch up to us – literally!


Saddle up with a Better Seat

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If you haven’t been on a bike in a while, the first thing you’ll notice is how awful generic seats are. You’ll also realize that you have bones in your buttocks that you never knew existed – and they’ll definitely be aching after a good cycle; that is, unless you upgrade your saddle.

If you’re a cycling hobbyist, you certainly want to take a seat on a saddle that has more cushioning. Some are even designed with memory foam, or gel padding to really make your backside feel awesome. Now, if you’re a cyclist with a mission, whether it’s to win the race or to take your pedalling to a new level, there are also aerodynamic saddles. Whatever you do, forget about the generic seat. They’re just painful as you get older.


Get Bars that are Up to Par

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Your handlebars are crucial to your comfort and performance. If they’re in the wrong positioning, your upper body will certainly pay the price – and it could even result in you losing the race.

Aside from the positioning, he type of handlebars you have on your cycle is also important because the wrong curvature or width can put even more strain on your upper body. And there’s nothing like numb hands, sore shoulders and a strained neck. So, upgrade your handlebars as needed. There are different sizes and shapes to suit your riding style.



Tap into the Tape

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You’ll be amazed at what a strip of tape can do for your cycling comfort. However, bartape is far from being a regular strand of sticky stuff. It’s designed to add more cushioning for your hands, without decreasing the amount of grip you receive. Bartape comes in a variety of materials, such as leather and plastic to ensure you find the proper comfort level, while also helping you feel more connected to your cycle and the road. There's also the option of cycle grips, and/or cycling gloves which are both excellent cycle gear upgrades that will help your hands when in need. They also add in an added layer of protection in case you crash, which is an important feature to have if you’re riding at high speeds.


Stepping into the Comfort Zone

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The shoes you wear cycling matter! You wouldn’t wear an uncomfortable pair of blister-causing shoes walking, and it’s no different when biking. Your feet play a huge role in your performance and comfort when cycling. So, if this is a hobby you’re ready to pedal into then it’s definitely time to shop the cycling shoe collection at Alex’s Cycle bike shop.

You need a style that is snug enough for you to feel connected to your cycle, yet loose enough that your feet have vital circulation. That’s also not to mention that after a long ride, your feel may be puffier than when you first took off, and your cycling shoes should be able to accommodate this. So do your research and invest in your feet. It’s worth every penny.



With these cycle gear upgrades, you can feel optimal comfort regardless of your age. Whether you’re taking a neighborly stroll, exploring miles of country sights or setting up at the starting line, you can feel good from start to finish.



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